面,面部: facies面部的: facial面部痈: carbuncle of face面部疔: facial boil面部疖: facila furuncle; furuncle of face热面部: hot face外面部: external颌面部: maxillofacial region半露柱面部: pilaster face舱面部门: deck department侧面部队: flanker地面部队: ground forces/troo; ground troops; land forces; surface force; surfaceforce地面部队;陆军: land forces地面部分: above ground portion; ground segment后面部分: aft section剪面部毛: wigging酒渣面部: brandy face口腔颌面部: oromaxillo-facial region阔肌面部: pars facialis platysmatis楼面部长(主任): floor supervisor麻痹的面部: paralytic face面部按摩: facial massage面部疤痕: eliminate the scar on the face面部保护: face protection面部安全防护罩: safety, shields面布车得太贴近拉链: fabric too close to zipper; fabric too closed to zipper