If more scenes could be added to the movie visualizing her background , the movie would definitely look much more complete . eric tsang as the pivotal character is satisfactory . apparently , his character is a spoof of sam in 片中串星甚多,包括彭氏前作的一对主角葛民辉和张达明林雪陈百祥吴君如梁家辉洪金宝谭咏麟等等数十人,实在目不暇给。
If more scenes could be added to the movie visualizing her background , the movie would definitely look much more complete . eric tsang as the pivotal character is satisfactory . apparently , his character is a spoof of sam in 片中串星甚多,包括彭氏前作的一对主角葛民辉和张达明、林雪、陈百祥、吴君如、梁家辉、洪金宝、谭咏麟等等数十人,实在目不暇给。