足: foot; leg跟: heel延长: lengthen; extend; prolong; p ...术: art; skill; technique腱索延长术: lengthening of chordae tendineae足跟索缩短术: shortening of heel cordachilles腱延长术: lengthening of achilles tendon尺骨延长术: lengthening of bone of ulna跟腱延长术: achilles tendonlengthening肌腱延长术: lengthening of tendon; tendon lengthening筋膜延长术: lengthening of fascia手肌延长术: lengthening of muscle of hand胫骨延长术: lengthening of bone of tibia腱延长术: elongatin of tendons; elongation of tendons唇系带延长术: labial frenum extension; lengthening of labial frenum颊系带延长术: lengthening of buccal frenum皮蒂管延长术: lengthening of pedicle skin tube舌系带延长术: lengthening of lingual frenum; lingual frenum extension绳肌腱延长术: lengthening of hamstring手筋膜延长术: lengthening of fascia of hand眼外肌延长术: lengthening of extraocular muscle腓肠肌延长术: lengthening of gastrocnemius muscle睑提肌延长术: lengthening of levator palpebrae muscle索延: soyen唇舌系带延长术: labial and or lingual frenum extension