绝对: absolute压强: pressure; intensity of press ...磅: 摄氏单位/pound-centigrade unit平方: square; 16是4的平方. 16 is the s ...英寸: inch; uncia计示压强磅平方英寸: psig千磅平方英寸: kpsi压强每平方英寸磅: psia pound per square inch absolute计示磅平方英寸计示磅: pounds per square inch gauge每平方英寸绝对磅数: pounds per square inch absolute吨平方英寸: tons per square inch每平方英寸: p.s.i. per square inch; per square inch平方英寸: pounds per square inch (psi); sq. in; sq.in. square inch; square inch绝对压强: a olute pre ure; absolute pressure intensity; psia pounds per square inch absolute磅每平方英寸: pound per square inch; poundpersquareinch每平方英寸磅: psi绝对压力计,绝对压强计: absolute manometer磅方每平方英寸: lbf/in磅力每平方英寸: lbf/in每平方英寸磅数: pounds per square inch每平方英寸表压磅: psig每平方英寸的磅数: pounds per square inch每平方英寸英吨数: tone per square inch每平方英寸的千磅数: ksi磅平方时: psi