Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune vesiculobullous disease of the skin and the mucous membrane , it most commonly involves the population of the fifth and sixth decades , and is extremely rare in children 摘要寻常性天疱疮是一种皮卢黏膜的自体免疫性水疱性疾病,它最常影响中年人,而且是獐极少见的疾病。
We concluded that pemphigus vulgaris is a rare disease in children , but it should be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis of oral ulceration along with skin manifestation in children 我们的结论是虽然寻常性天疱疮是儿童期少见的疾病,但在看到儿童有口腔溃肠合并有皮卢病变时,必须把它列入?别诊断之一。