煎: fry in shallow oil玉女: the immortal children; znb玉女峰: xf-741; xm741玉女剑: all nature sword; holy girl sword痴情玉女: a sentimental girl红楼玉女: hong lou yu nv金童玉女: golden boy and jade girl -- immortal boy and girl in waiting of a divine house情挑玉女心: flirting情跳玉女心: flirting如玉女士: sandy chen仙童玉女: boy and girl servants in fairyland玉女半熟时: crossroads玉女穿梭: fair lady works at the shuttle玉女春情: a pretty girl's love affair玉女丹米: tammy玉女凡心: a sweet girl's fancies玉女芳心: glory玉女怀春: gideon's day玉女惊魂: sweet girl in terror玉女聊斋: yuk lui liu chai玉女龙驹: gypsy colt玉女弄璋: father's little dividend玉女奇遇: the bad and the beautiful玉女亲情: a place to call home玉女擒凶: the maiden catches the culprit