In richard rosenfeld ' s opinion , “ kids will outgrow ear infections no matter what we do 理查德*罗森费尔德认为: “不论我们采取什么方法,孩子长大都会摆脱耳朵感染。
Children with ear tubes will still get ear infections as madison did a week after her surgery , but they can be treated more effectively with antibiotics delivered through the tubes in a concentration that is 1 , 000 times stronger than oral medications , rosenfeld said 罗森费尔德说,植入耳管的儿童还是会出现耳朵感染,就像麦迪生手术后一星期再度感染一样,但是可以经由耳管将强度浓缩为口服药1000倍的抗生素注射进去,使得治疗更为有效。