巨: huge; tremendous; gigantic猪: hog; pig; swine科: a branch of academic or voca ...猪科: hogs; pigs; suidae豪猪科: hystricidae; old-world porcupines猪科的: porcine古巨猪属: archaeotherium长尾猪科: cebochoeridae美洲豪猪科: erethizontidae; new world porcupine; new-world porcupines巨著: monumental work; great work 历史巨著 a magnum opus of historic significance; 为这部巨著付梓做准备 prepare the great work for press巨朱蕉: cabbage tree巨著,杰作: magnum opus a great work巨皱襞胃炎: giant rugal gastritis巨著剧院: masterpiece theatre巨肘弯头: sweep elbow巨柱式: colossal order; giant order巨轴羊齿属: glenopteris巨爪: greater claws巨轴突形成: gaf