垂直于: CD.Let AB be perpendicular t ...飞行器: aerobat; air vehicle; beast; ...纵轴: axis of bank; direct-axis; f ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...解理垂直于一个结晶轴的: axotomous垂直于: be perpendicular to; normal to; perp;perpendicular to; ⊥perpendicular to垂直于屏幕: normal to screen垂直于纹理: against to the grain垂直于延长: normal to elongation垂直于直线: perpendicular to a line不适于飞行: inaptitude for flying垂直起飞喷气飞行器: jump jet纵轴,垂直轴: vertical axis飞行器: aerobat; air vehicle; beast; bird; flight vehicle垂直于零件面: normal to part; normal to ps垂直于驱动面: normal to drive; normal to ds垂直于裂缝面射孔: intersecting perforation; perpendicular perforation垂直于曲线的距离: distance normal to curve垂直于原始轨迹”: nrmtoorigintraj垂直于走向的方向: cross strike direction垂直于走向的构造: offtrend structure过点垂直于直线: point, perpendicular curve平面垂直于曲线: planes perpendicular to curve不适于飞行的天气: x weather; x-weather摆渡飞行器: ferrycraft