brave; courageous; valiant; gallant 短语和例子 勇敢的战斗精神 valiant fighting spirit; 勇敢善战 courageous and skillful in battle; 勇敢无匹 brave without equal; 机智勇敢 be brave and resourceful; 勤劳勇敢的人民 a brave and industrious people
高兴, 勇敢: be of good cheer很勇敢: very brave假勇敢: pot valiant论勇敢: on bravery我勇敢: i am brave勇敢,殷勤: gallantry勇敢爱: be brave and love勇敢报: assarat; bravo el; delawar; el bravo; sahy; tharros勇敢的: braver; bravest; chivalrous; courageous; daring; doughty; dountless; fearless; gamey; gamy; gritty; hardy; high-spirited; lionhearted; manful; martial; mettlesome; stout; stronghearted; undaunted; valiant; valorous; yeomanly勇敢地: bravely; courageously; doughtily; fearlessly; gallantly; gamily; martially; stout-heartedly; valiantly; valorously勇敢者: the brave one不够勇敢: not brave enough非常勇敢: very brave个个都勇敢: all are not hunters that blow the horn故作勇敢,逞能: bravado机智勇敢: be resourceful and brave; be brilliant and resourceful; brave and steadfast; resourceful and courageous 机智勇敢的侦察兵 brave and resourceful scouts假勇敢的: pot-valiant坚强勇敢: bore up under酒后的勇敢: pot-valor; pot-valour你足够勇敢: that you are brave enough勤劳勇敢: be industrious and courageous; industrious and brave [valiant]; valiant and industrious 中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称。 the chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage他十分勇敢: he is brave enough to face dangers为爱勇敢: valenti以勇敢闻名: have a reputation for courage勇敢,大胆,但从不愚蠢地蛮干: brave and daring but never foolishly reckless勇父: dakas