你: you为: support; stand for爱: love书写: write为爱: live for love,knowledge and pity; searchin' for love你为: why don't you find a job and end this dependence upon your parents爱书的: philobiblic爱书家: bibliophil爱书狂: bibliomania爱书人: nbook loverss爱书者: bibliophile爱书癖: bibliophilism龚爱书: gong aishu书写: write 在纸的反正面书写 write on both sides of the paper; 这支钢笔书写流畅。 the pen writes smoothly. 他书写潦草。 he had a bad handwriting.; 书写错误 clerical error; 书写单位 grapheme; 书写符号 mark; figure; 书写规则 rules for writing; 书写体 script爱书维基人: wikipedians interested in books为爱驶: drive因为爱: instrl; new melody; seeya只为爱: one reason爱书人的喜悦: ex libris你为何: why don't you find a job and end this dependence upon your parents书写;写: write书写板: notepad; writing board书写杆: writing bar书写狂: graphomania书写器: write