互相: mutual; each other抵押: mortgage; hold in pledge; hy ...互相抵触: contradict each other互相抵销: cancel out互相抵消: equalise互相抵制的: antagonistic互相抵销债务: cross debt互相抵消的误差: compensating errors互相抵消的影响: equalizing influence互相抵消的债务;冲账。: crossdebt相抵: offset; balance; neutralize [cancel] each other; counterbalance 收支相抵, 尚余 150元。 the accounts show a favourable balance of 150 yuan互相: mutual; each other 互相包庇 harbour [shield] each other; 互相策应 echo one another; take concerted action; in coordination with one another; 互相吹棒 flatter each other; logroll; claw me and i'll claw thee抵押: mortgage; hold in pledge; hypothecate; pledge; impawn; collateralize; collateral; pawn 以某物作抵押 raise a mortgage on sth.; leave sth. as a pledge; 归还抵押借款 pay off the mortgage; 以动产抵押的货款 a loan on pledge of personal property; 银行拒绝接受任何土地抵押。 the bank refused to accept any mortgage on land. 我留下这块手表作为借款的抵押物。 i have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money. 抵押早已期满。 the pledge has long since run out.; 抵押背书 endorsement in pledge; 抵押贷款 collateral [mortgage] loan; loan against collateral; loan on mortgage; 抵押担保品 collateral security; 抵押登记凭证 certificate of registration of mortgage; 抵押放款 mortgage [secured] loan; loan on collateral security; loan on security; pledge against a loan; 抵押负债 mortgage liability [debt]; 抵押合同 mortgage [hold] contract; 抵押汇票 draft drawn against securities; 抵押价值 hypothecary value; 抵押经纪人 mortgage middleman; 抵押契据 mortgage (deeds); instrument of pledge; 抵押权 mortgage; hypothecation; 抵押权人 pledgee; 抵押人 pledger; 抵押市场 mortgage market; 抵押诉讼 mortgage action; 抵押税 mortgage dues; 抵押透支 overdrafts secured; 抵押物 object given as a pledge; 抵押险 hypothecation insurance; 抵押信贷 mortgage credit; 抵押银行 mortgage bank; 抵押银行债券 mortgage bank debenture; 抵押债券 mortgage bond; 抵押债务 mortgage debenture; 抵押帐户 hypothecated account; 抵押证书 mortgage instrument; 抵押资产 mortgage assets; 抵押资金 mortgage money 相抵触: conflict; contradictincome出入相抵: income and expense just balance.; make both ends meet; keep expenses within one's出入相抵: Income and expense just balance.make both ends meetkeep expenses within one's income得失相抵: gains are offset by losses.; what we lost in hake, we shall have in herring反驳;同…相抵触: contradict高低相抵: compensating fluctuation功过相抵: merits offset faults.; merits equal demerits.; deserts equal faults两相抵消: cry quits 你欠我4镑, 我得了你的表, 那么我们就两相抵消吧。 you owe me four pounds, but i have your watch, so we'll cry quits两相抵消的: quits使收支相抵: make both ends meet; make ends meet收入相抵: clear expenses收入相抵的: break even