2d bar code made our life more colorful and convenience 二维码使我们的生活变得更加便利和多彩。
Diffractive characteristics of antireflective dielectric gratings with subwavelength periodic structure 二维码字结构及其实现方法
“ cellphonebarcodeservice ” is a new data service promoted by china mobile , whose name comes from two dimensional coding standards “手机条码业务”作为新推出的数据业务,其名称来源于二维码技术标准。
Using tcvq and ideas of small codebook expansion and block coding , chapter 6 proposes a new quantization precept making quantization on two dimension codebook space , that is 2djtcvq 第六章在tcvq基础上运用小码书扩展和块编码的思想方法提出在二维码电子科技大学搏士论文书空间进行量化的方案,即二维tcvq 。
Qr code is a kind of 2d matrix barcode . it has high density , great capacity that will influent coding of 2d - barcode . a rs code is cyclic symbol error - correcting code , which can correct lost or missing data for damaged symbols Qrcode是一种矩阵二维码,具有信息密度大、容量高的优点,因此,译码时受噪声的干扰大,采用纠错能力比较强的非二进制bch码中的一类? rs码进行编码,可以有效地抗除干扰进行纠错。