靠…为生: eat habitually; live by靠吃……为生: on the desk为生气: chafe under以…为生: live by以食…为生: live on/by笔墨为生: subsist [live] by one's pen -- a writer's occupation; earn one's livelihood by writing; make a living with one's pen捕鱼为生: live by fishing大为生色: give color to...劫掠为生: live by plunder靠教书为生: earn one's livelihood by teaching靠抢劫为生: live by plunder靠写作为生: pen 1靠种田为生: live on the land卖卜为生: practise fortune-telling as a means of subsistence卖文为生: write for a living; depend on one's pen for a living; make a living by one's pen; subsist by the pen 这个作家已背弃了他原来的艺术标准, 现在只是卖文为生。 the writer has sold out his artistic standards and now just writes for a living卖文为生者: wordmonger谋生;以……为生: make a living牛以草为生: the cattle feed on grass欺骗为生: live by one's wits; live by cheating [practising deception]求乞为生: beachcomb人为生育地: manmade habitat他化缘为生: he followed the life of a mendicant投稿为生: be on space为生存而活: make a living为生产经营目的: for production or business purposes为甚麽真爱需要等待: why true love waits
为生的法语:动 vivre de;gagner sa vie为生的日语:(…で)暮らしを立てる. 以狩猎 shòuliè 为生/狩猟で生計を立てる.狩猟を職業とする.为生的韩语:[동사] 생업으로 하다. 생활하다. 생계를 꾸려 나가다. 卖线为生; 실을 팔아서 생활하다 打鱼为生; 고기잡이를 생업으로 하다为生的俄语:pinyin:wéi-shēng жить, кормиться; иметь в качестве профессии (занятия, источника средств к жизни)为生什么意思:wéishēng (以某种途径)谋生:捕鱼~。