Adversity toughens him as well as wounding him . 逆境给他造成创伤,可也使他变得坚强起来。
Nixon had reined me in; he had made me toughen our stand . 尼克松把我勒住了;他使我强化了我们的立场。
Only by taking part in practice can the young people be toughened and hardened into steel . 年轻人只有通过实际锻炼才能百炼成钢。
Because of public unreadiness to support true battle training we could not hope to turn out masses of toughened fighting men . 由于一般人不愿接受真正的作战训练,使我们不能希望造就出大量的顽强战斗的人员。
Study of toughening mechanism on pvc acr blending system 共混体系的增韧机理研究
toughenとは意味:toughen v. 強くなる; たくましくする. 【副詞2】 ◆toughen up すっかり強くなる toughen sb up 人を強くする These exercises will toughen you up for the Olympics. これらの運動であなたはオリンピックをめざしてたくましくなります. 【+前置詞】 ◆men toughened by a life spent...toughen meaning: Verb: toughen túfun Make tough or tougher "This experience will toughen her" Derived forms: toughening, toughened, toughens Type of: strengthen toughen en francais:v. durcir; endurcirtoughen artinya:menguatkantoughen 뜻:vt, vi, TOUGH하게 하다(되다)toughen перевод:1) делать жестким 2) делаться жестким и пр. (см. tough) 3) напрягать Ex: to toughen one's muscles напрягать мышцы 4) напрягаться Ex: his muscles toughened его мышцы напряглись 5) ужесточать Ex:...