i was no more to her than a morsel of scoff in the fuel-house . 我在她的眼里还不如柴房里的一小堆木屑。
people scoffed at the wright brothers when they tried to make a machine that could fly . 当赖特兄弟要制造一种能够飞行的机器时,人们嘲笑他们。
there was purpose and feeling, banter and scoff playing, mingled, on her mobile lineaments . 在她那变幻无常的外貌上,既有决心,又有感情,既有嘲弄,又有戏虐和开玩笑的神色。
many people with much smaller incomes would have scoffed at the idea that an executive vice-president's 65, 000 a year salary was not ample to live on, and perhaps to save . 一个副总经理挣六万五千美元的年薪,说这么些钱不够用,也不够储蓄。许多收入远远不如的人难免要嗤之以鼻。
[scoffing ] makes the nikon look like a disposable 这个镜头让尼康的那些相形见绌