The noodle is a type of staple food made from some type of unleavened dough which is rolled flat and cut into one of a variety of shapes. While long thin strips may be the most common, many varieties of noodles are cut into waves, helices, tubes, strings, shells, folded over, or cut into other shapes.
noodleとは意味:noodle ヌードル noodle meaning: Noun: noodle nood(u)l A ribbonlike strip of pasta Informal term for a human head - attic , bean , bonce [Brit], noggin , dome Derived forms: noodles Type of...noodle en francais:n. nouille, idiot; tête (argot)noodle artinya:bakminoodle 뜻:noun, (미)밀가루와 달걀로 만든 국수(수프용)면류 n, vi, 바보, (미속)머리, (즉흥적으로)악기를 타다, 곰곰생각하다noodle перевод:1) _сл. дурень, олух, балда 2) башка, котелок 3) музыкальный позывной (радио, телевидения) 4) обыкн. _pl. лапша Ex: noodle soup суп с лапшой 5) бренчать (на рояле); разминать пальцы (перед концер...