Though she suffers from the serious encephalopathic day by day , he decide that continues being engaged in the research and writing 虽然她患有日趋严重的脑病,但是他决定继续从事研究和写作。
By analyzing the clinical application of xue fu zhu yu decoction in the treatment of encephalopathy , we further clarified the therapeutic mechanism and the range of application , and summarized the treatment of qi stagnancy and blood stasis syndrome of various encephalopathic diseases , which reflects the thoughts of syndromes differentiation for treatment of traditional chinese medicine , and provides a new train of thought for clinicians 通过分析血府逐瘀汤在脑病中的临床应用,进一步阐明了血府逐瘀汤的治病机制及适应范围,总结了脑病中各种疾病的气滞血瘀型的治法,体现了中医辨病论治的思想,为临床医生的工作提供一个新的思路。