An emancipist was any of the convicts sentenced and transported under the convict system to Australia, who had been given a conditional or absolute pardon. The term was also used to refer to those convicts whose sentences had expired, and could also be used of free settlers who supported full civil rights for emancipated convicts.
emancipistとは意味:{名} : 〈豪〉満期出獄者{まんき しゅつごく しゃ}◆英国からオーストラリアに移送された流刑囚で刑期を満了した後オーストラリアに残留した元囚人 emancipist meaning: noun (historical) A convict who has served his time of punishment in a penal colonyemancipist en francais:n. émancipateuremancipist перевод:1) _австрал. _ист. поселенец, каторжник, отбывший срок наказания