accumulationとは意味:accumulation n. ためること; 蓄積, 集積; 蓄積物. 【動詞+】 ◆Plants and animals build up accumulations of this toxin in their tissues. 動植物はその組織内にこの毒素を蓄積する ◆This produces an accumulation of stress that finally leads to ...accumulation meaning: Noun: accumulation u`kyoomyu'leyshun An increase by natural growth or addition - accretion Several things grouped together or considered as a whole - collection , aggre...accumulation en francais:n. accumulation; cumulaccumulation artinya:akumulasiaccumulation 뜻:noun, 집적, 축적accumulation перевод:1) накопление; аккумуляция; Ex: primitive accumulation _полит-эк. первоначальное накопление; Ex: accumulation of power аккумулирование энергии; Ex: accumulation of knowledge накапливание знаний 2)...