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corporate finance造句

"corporate finance"是什么意思  
  • Behavioral corporate finance is the production that has integrated the theory of corporate finance and behavioral finance
  • The name and address of the importers as well as state bank of india , corporate finance branch , ahmedbad , india
  • Research background : the dividend policy is one of the most important activities of corporate finance
  • Myers , s . c . still searching for optimal capital structure . continental bank , journal of applied corporate finance , pp . 4 - 14
    《仍在寻觅理想的资金结构》 ,刊于大陆银行《实用企业财务学报》第4 - 14页。
  • We are a merchant and investment banking firm specializing in corporate finance , mergers , acquisitions and valuations
  • Jensen , michael c . , agency costs of free cash flow , corporate finance , and takeover , american economic review , may 1978
    汪平著, 《财务估价论? ?现金流量与企业价值研究》 ,上海财经大学出版社, 2000年第1版。
  • We are an independent specialist corporate finance " boutique " specifically focusing on advising small to medium size enterprises ( smes )
  • Earnings management has become an important issue in corporate finance areas and received extensive attention of scholars
  • 3 ) it gives an experimental study of all the representative domestic cb issue samples up to the present facing corporate financing
    ( 3 )首次对国内至今为止全部典型性可转换债券样本进行了公司融资角度的实证研究。
  • It's difficult to see corporate finance in a sentence. 用corporate finance造句挺难的
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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