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code reuse造句

"code reuse"是什么意思  
  • In the following topics, you will see how easy it is to create your own objects from the classes you define and to use objects to simplify your coding and increase code reuse
  • Furthermore, we can now handle unicode names as well, whereas before we were strictly limited to names that begin with a through z . code reuse is a wonderful thing
  • The fundamental goal of oop in particular is to increase the productivity of programmers through code reuse ( inheritance for example ), and not to produce applications that are compact
  • Furthermore, we give the overview of suif2, our research environment, which has modular structure and extensible program representation to maximize code reuse
  • In order to reuse software, we use design pattern to record software design knowledge, because it can improve software reusability from code reusing to every phases of developing
  • The asp . net web parts control set enables you to use existing web server controls as web parts controls in order to achieve maximum code reuse and to gain the benefits of web parts personalization
  • To put design pattern into framework modeling not only brings code reuse, but also higher design reuse, which is helpful to implement of design pattern and improvement of efficiency of software development
  • In addition, many organizations will improve overall operational efficiency by adopting any number of standards that have emerged during recent years to support code reuse, web enablement, business process engineering, etc
  • Tag for the purpose of code reuse by placing common server-side code, controls, or html markup within a file to include in other web pages, often the preferred approach in asp . net is to use web user controls
  • Xml web service offers compact technique for the integration of application program, solving the problems of code reuse and being easy to dispose and maintain . thus, it is widely applied in software development
  • It's difficult to see code reuse in a sentence. 用code reuse造句挺难的
  • Reuse that will most possibly produce great efficiency are to reused software products of some major developed phases in software life period at present and in the coming future . they include code reuse, design reuse and analysis reuse
  • On the basis of studding the design of the distributed experiment & measurement system development platform, which depend binary-system-based code reuse, this paper establishes the workstation-layer sdp with component library and middleware
  • The introduction of object oriented programming in the mid 1980s in the form of commercially viable languages such as c smalltalk was around earlier but wasn t widely used in business environments directly supported code reuse through classes
  • The advantages of being able to defer this choice to deployment time are considerable-especially because requirements can change over a project s lifecycle-and provide an opportunity for code reuse that would not be practical with a homegrown messaging layer
  • The appearance of object oriented technique not only provides power system calculating and analysis software with a new method, but also make it have friendly interface, operate simply, abstract real physical network better, extend function better and have code reuse
  • All of these were made up of the main body of the tgcs . the technology of the oop and com was used to develop the component modeling and simulation software of tgcs . so the system modeling and simulation become much easy to maintain and extend and mostly realize the code reusing
  • Especially recently its rapid development is paid on attention highly . the object oriented framework supports not only the code reuse, but also the design reuse . thus it can improve the development efficiency and product quality of specific domain application software
  • A kind of high-performance transducer named as cimr-g54e41851 of yaskawa functioning as a speed adjustment with s-form and torque promoting is introduced to solve the problem facing to conversion of speed and starting in this new-style conveying system . as mentioned above, we take the advantage of plc . based on fx2n plc ’ s programming software the gx developer 7.0 introduced in our system adopts the modularization design method of structure and code reusing, subsequently decreasing the procedure of the soft ? programming and maintenance cost
  • First, the main contents of software project management are analyzed and then the project targets and functions of this system are put forward in this paper; next, the process, strategy and methods of cost estimation are studied and based on cocomo model a better cocomo model has been presented considering code reuse . moreover the function of software cost estimation module has been implemented; then some detailed solutions to the structure of this system are given, furthermore the characteristics of the component object model are analyzed in the paper; finally, some other problems in the software development process has been analyzed and correlative solutions to these problems are represented in the paper
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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