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  • After a week of rampages by militants in the Karoi and Chinhoyi corn and tobacco districts, chanting militants fanned out in the nearby town of Banket, forcing residents to flee behind locked doors, witnesses said.
  • Newsday spoke of the book as follows : " Early in this century, rivers of oil were found beneath Oklahoma land belonging to Indian people, and beautiful Grace Banket became the richest person in the Territory.
  • Between 1984 and 1991, M黮ler was the lead singer of the pop band Banket, considered legendary today due to their pioneering role as one of the main proponents of electronic pop music in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s.
  • In 2007 the local government minister announced plans to turn the administration of Banket over to a town management board, which would put Banket in the same class as such urban centres as Ruwa, Chirundu and Hwange.
  • In 2007 the local government minister announced plans to turn the administration of Banket over to a town management board, which would put Banket in the same class as such urban centres as Ruwa, Chirundu and Hwange.
  • *Vast banket-( 5277 )-delete articles on company and its alleged founder, with no prejudice against creation of proper article about the company .-archived 17 : 10, 6 January 2008 ( UTC)
  • The Commercial Farmers Union said 12 white farmers from the farming district of Banket were charged with attempting to corrupt polling officers by offering them food, operating an illegal radio network and " conspiracy to influence the electoral process ."
  • A black settler on one farm in the Banket tobacco and corn district fired a pistol in the air in an effort to drive the owner and his black workers away Monday, said Jenni Williams, a spokeswoman for the pressure group.
  • ZIMBABWE-FARMERS ( Banket, Zimbabwe ) _ In this hungry land, where 6 million people face the possibility of starvation, the government of President Robert Mugabe has ordered thousands of the country's most productive farmers to stop farming.
  • A black settler on one of the farms in the Banket tobacco and corn district fired a pistol in the air in an effort to drive the owner and his black workers away Monday, said Jenni Williams, a spokeswoman for the pressure group.
  • It's difficult to see banket in a sentence. 用banket造句挺难的
  • Some of Banket's best-known and typically " electronic " hits originated between 1984 and 1985, but they were not included on the band's debut album " Bioelektrov韟ia " ( " Bioelectrovision ", 1986 ) that was more conventional in nature.
  • Hudelist marked the period during which the first political parties in the Socialist Republic of Croatia were created with his book Banket u Hrvatskoj : Prilozi povijesti hrvatskog viaestrana ja 1989 .-1990 . ( Banquet in Croatia : Historical Contributions to Croatia's Multipartyism during 1989 1990 ), which was published in the early summer of 1991.
  • Hudelist's second book, Banket u Hrvatskoj : Prilozi povijesti hrvatskog viaestrana ja 1989 .-1990 . ( Banquet in Croatia : Historical Contributions to Croatia's Multipartyism of 1989 1990 ) gives a witty Krle ~ ian portrayal of politicians and intellectuals who were, during the breakup of Yugoslavia, forming the first political parties in Croatia and in such a way laying the foundation for Croatia's separation from the SFR Yugoslavia and its independence.
  • At a music, dance, and theatre festival in September 2016 fifteen schools were represented, including St . Ignatius College, Chishawasha, Monte Casino School, Sacred Heart Banket, St Peter's Kubatana, St Peter's Mbare, Kutama College, Visitation Makumbi High, Malborough High, Churchill College, Prince Edward School Zimbabwe, Churchill Boys High School, Harare, Zimbabwe, St . Paul's Musami, and St . Peter Claver Chishawasha.
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