n. 1.(墙壁、篱笆等的)裂口,裂缝;豁口,缺口。 【军事】突破口。 2.(意见的)龃龉,分歧;隔阂,距离,差距。 3.山峡,隘口。 4.间隙;【机械工程】火花隙;【航空】(双翼机的)翼隔。 5.(文章等中的)脱漏,中断;(知识等的)空白,缺陷。
a gap in historical records 史料的中断。 credibility gap 信用差距。 generation gap代沟〔不同代的人之间的思想隔阂〕。 gaps between teeth 齿缝。 the gap between imports and exports 进出口差额。 bridge [close, fill, stop, supply] a gap 填补空白,弥补缺陷。 stand in the gap 首当其冲,挺身阻挡。 vt. (-pp-) 使豁裂,使生罅隙。 vi. 豁开。
an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks"; "there was a gap in his account" 同义词:break, interruption, disruption,
a narrow opening; "he opened the window a crack" 同义词:crack,
a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures; "gap between income and outgo"; "the spread between lending and borrowing costs" 同义词:spread,
a difference (especially an unfortunate difference) between two opinions or two views or two situations
gapとは意味:gap n. 隙間(すきま), 間隙(かんげき), ギャップ; 峡谷; 切れ目, 空所, ずれ, 欠陥. 【動詞+】 ◆bridge the East-West cultural gap 東西の文化のギャップを埋める ◆close a gap 隙間をふさぐ ◆close up a gap between the teeth 歯の隙間を埋める ◆Japan's export-orientated s...