

  • 阿克比勒
  • 例句与用法
  • The old Akbil iButtons were phased out in 2015.
  • Unlike payment by cash, the Akbil allowed a passenger to transfer service within the transportation network under some defined conditions.
  • The Akbil device was touched to the reader at the faregate to gain access for boarding or on the vehicle to ride.
  • "' Akbil "'was an integrated electronic ticket system used for fare payment on public transport in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • In 2009 it was replaced by the Istanbulkart; while existing Akbil tickets could still be used, new ones were no longer sold, and it was completely phased out 2015.
  • This feature makes the chips, especially in an iButton package, suitable for use as a key to open a lock, arm and deactivate burglar alarms, authenticate computer system users, operate time clock systems, etc . iButtons have been used as Akbil smart tickets for the public transport in Istanbul.
  • Launch of the first electronic ticketing system in Turkey known as AKBIL, replacing aged public buses with modern buses, CNG ( compressed natural gas ) conversion of existing buses, adding EURO2 buses to public transportation fleet, redesigning bus stops, increasing revenues of IETT through accepting advertisement on buses and bus stops, social responsibility projects such as adding buses designed for disabled citizens to the public transportation fleet and publishing adds for lost people in buses are some of the projects led by Karaman.
  • Part II of the book begins by going around the world, time zone to time zone, showing what different characters are doing all at the same time : Morris Zapp travelling; Australian Rodney Wainright trying to write a conference paper; Zapp's ex-wife D閟ir閑 trying to write a novel; Howard Ringbaum trying to convince his wife Thelma to sleep with him on an aeroplane so he can join the Mile High Club; Siegfried von Turpitz talking to Arthur Kingfisher about the new UNESCO chair of literary criticism; Rudyard Parkinson plotting to get that chair; Turkish Akbil Borak reading William Hazlitt to prepare for a visit by Swallow; Akira Sakazaki translating English novelist Ronald Frobisher into Japanese; Ronald Frobisher having breakfast; Italian Fulvia Morgana ( a reference to Morgan le Fay ) meeting Morris Zapp on a plane; and more .`
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