If bath king has been used for a long time , there will be feculence on the switch panel . when clear it , cut off power at first to make sure power off . and then use dishcloth with a little neutral detergent to rub it till the feculence is removed 用户长期使用浴霸,开关面板沾有污渍,在清理这些污渍时,应先切断电源(零线和相线) ,并在确认没电的情况下,用沾有少量中性清洁剂的抹布擦试,待污渍擦去后,再用清洁干布擦干。
When rub them , if power off , dismantle them , and than use dishcloth with a little neutral detergent to rub them till the feculence is removed . then use clean dry cloth to rub it again . when they are dry ( cannot insolate or firing ) , install them again 清洁面罩、暖灯或照明灯时,在确认切断电源后,将暖灯、照明灯、面罩逐一拆下,用沾有少量中性清洁剂的抹布进行擦试,待污渍擦去后,用清洁干布进行擦拭,并在擦拭干净的灯体、面罩表面晾干后(不可曝晒或烘烤) ,再进行安装。