Previously he was an active member of the joint oasis un - cefact ebxml initiative where he was a part of the working group that developed the ebxml messaging specifications 先前他作为开发ebxml messaging规范工作小组的一员,积极的参与了联合oasis / un - cefact ebxml倡议。
On a global scale , domain experts are working under the united nations centre for trade facilitation and electronic business un cefact to define specifications of common business processes to facilitate the modeling of business collaborations 联合国贸易促进及电子商务中心un cefact的专家正手界定常用商务流程的规格,以便塑造商务合作的形式。
I recommend watching the bsr because it influences important groups such as un cefact worldwide , cen isss europe , and disa . speaking of the cen isss , this group has done a lot of work in the area of xml edi . the cen isss is a committee charged with promoting standardization among information systems within the european community 随着本专栏的进一步展开,您会了解到有关rdf的许多内容,因此我只在此提及rdf在有效管理与xml相关的元数据方面的能力,这使它成为为术语之间的关系以及术语之下抽象概念之间的关系建模的重要工具。