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赶快 at once
赶快回家 go home at once
赶早不赶晚 The earlier the better.
赶时髦 follow the fashion
赶明儿 wait until another day
赶浪头 follow the trend
赶海人 beach comber
赶潮流 go with the tide
赶热门 follow a craze
赶班车 try to catch the regular bus
赶紧 lose no time
赶紧刹车 quickly put on the brakes
赶紧解释 hasten to explain
赶脚 serve with a donkey or mule
赶苍蝇 whisk the flies off
赶街 go to a fair
赶走 drive away
赶走恶魔 drive off demons
赶超 catch up with and surpass
赶超世界先进水平 catch up with and surpass th...
赶超世界水平 catch up with and surpass th...
赶趟儿 be in time for
赶路 hurry on with one's journey
赶车 drive a cart
赶集 go to market
赶集购物 buy sth. at the fair
赶驴 drive donkey
赶鸭子上架 drive a duck onto a perch
起一堵墙 build a wall start
起个稿子 make a draft manuscript
起主导作用 play a leading role
起举起旗子 hold high the flag
起义 uprising
起义军 insurrectionary army
起义投诚 come over to our side
起了邪念 a wicked idea came into one'...
起事 start armed struggle
起于草泽 of rustic origin
起伏 rise and fall
起伏不平的地形 a wavy terrain
起伏不平的草地 undulant meadowland
起伏的波涛 theheaving billows
起伙 set up a mess
起作用 take effect
起先 at first
起先锋作用 play a vanguard role
起兵发难 revolt
起凤腾蛟 like the soaring phoenix and...
起初 originally
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