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幸免 escape by sheer luck
幸免一死 escaped death by sheer good ...
幸免于难 have a narrow shave
幸免湮没 be rescued from oblivion ann...
幸勿推却 I hope that you will not ref...
幸勿见外 Don't look upon me as a stra...
幸勿见怪 Kindly forgive me.
幸喜 fortunately
幸好 fortunately
幸好随后下了一场及时雨 Happily a good rain followed...
幸存 survive
幸存者 survivor
幸未成灾 Fortunately it didn't cause ...
幸灾乐祸 take pleasure in other peopl...
幸甚 very fortunate indeed
幸福 happiness
幸福家庭 happy family
幸福生活 a happy life
幸福的时刻 a happy moment constantly
幸福而舒适的生活 a happy and comfortable life
幸而 luckily
幸臣 a favourite at court
幸运 good fortune
幸运之神并不一直向我微笑 Fortune has not always smile...
幸运儿 fortune's favourite
a surname
幹献 a surname
幹献仁 Ganxian Ren
幹道冲 Gan Daochong
幺妹 youngest sister
幺谦 Yao Qian
幺麽 petty
幺麽小丑 despicable wretch
幻像 mental image
幻像重现 flashback
幻听 acousma
幻境 dreamland
幻影 phantom
幻想 illusion
幻想曲 fantasia
幻想破灭 ruin of an illusion
幻想者 fantast
幻方 magic square
幻日 anthelion
幻日环 parhelic circle
幻景 illusion
幻月 paraselene
幻月环 paraselenic circle
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