antecedent adj. 1.先行的,先前的。 2.【逻辑学】假定的,前提的。 3.【地质学;地理学】先成的。 n. 1.先例,前例。 2.〔pl.〕经历,履历,学历。 3.〔pl.〕祖先。 4.【语法】先行词。 5.【逻辑学】前提,前件。 6.【数学】(比例的)前项〔如 a∶b 中的 a〕。 inquire into sb.' s antecedents 调查某人履历。 a man of shady antecedents 来历可疑的人。 antecedents and consequences of the war 战争的前因和后果。 of English antecedents 祖籍英国。 adv. -ly 在前,在先。
Creative thinking is the antecedence of design 创新性设计,必须有创新性思维。
All of three aspects of fuzzy matroid are important contents of fuzzy matroid , and they were not studied by antecedences 该论文的三个方面都是模糊拟阵的重要内容,三个方面的内容都是前人未研究过的。
Then , the antecedence and consequence of a fuzzy rule are referred to as a combination of linguistic values and the corresponding utility of the antecedent part , respectively 此外,产品的意义并?限定为实物,而是广泛的解释为一?可被评估之对象。
Optimized association rules are permitted to contain uninstantiated attributes . the optimization procedure is to determine the instantiations such that some measures of the roles are maximized . this paper tries to maximize interest to find more interesting rules . on the other hand , the approach permits the optimized association rule to contain uninstantiated numeric attributes in both the antecedence and the consequence . a naive algorithm of finding such optimized rules can be got by a straightforward extension of the algorithm for only one numeric attribute . unfortunately , that results in a poor performance . a heuristic algorithm that finds the approximate optimal rules is proposed to improve the performance . the experiments with the synthetic data sets show the advantages of interest over confidence on finding interesting rules with two attributes . the experiments with real data set show the approximate linear scalability and good accuracy of the algorithm 优化关联规则允许在规则中包含未初始化的属性.优化过程就是确定对这些属性进行初始化,使得某些度量最大化.最大化兴趣度因子用来发现更加有趣的规则;另一方面,允许优化规则在前提和结果中各包含一个未初始化的数值属性.对那些处理一个数值属性的算法进行直接的扩展,可以得到一个发现这种优化规则的简单算法.然而这种方法的性能很差,因此,为了改善性能,提出一种启发式方法,它发现的是近似最优的规则.在人造数据集上的实验结果表明,当优化规则包含两个数值属性时,优化兴趣度因子得到的规则比优化可信度得到的规则更有趣.在真实数据集上的实验结果表明,该算法具有近似线性的可扩展性和较好的精度