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音标:[ qímín ]  发音:  


  • naritami


  • It was jia sixie who wrote a book called qimin yaoshu around 540 ad
  • It was a book called qimin yaoshu that jia sixie wrote around 540 ad
  • The first book on agriculture , known as qi ming yao shu , was written by jia sixie
  • Part two : introduce the outsets and historic evolutions of the population of shantou . . including the natives and the migration
  • As hereditary bond servants , these slaves and tenants were bound to particular master for generations , while their status was regarded as inferior to their masters
  • Source materials from the sixth century qi - min - yao - shu reveal the derivations of 14 fuzhou dialect words . the writer also discusses the relationship between dialect and the character writing system
  • Part 5 expending of ancient agricultural education in china wei , jin , southern and northern period , sui and tang dynasties is the period of expending of ancient agricultural education in china . agriculture educational book of qi min yao shu which has relatively complete content , lei si jing , cha jing and other agricultural books , establishment of school for veterinary medicine in tang dynasty marked the period of expending of ancient agricultural education in china
    第五章中国古代农业教育的发展魏晋南北朝和隋唐时期为中国古代农业教育的发展时期,其发展主要表现在《齐民要术》的比较完整的农业教育内容, 《耒耜中国古代农业教育研究经》 、 《茶经》等专业农书的出现以及唐代兽医学校的创立和兽医教育的发展。
  • In ancient times , there were some research works about northern diet culture such as the 《 qi min yao shu 》 , 《 cui shi shi jing 》 , 《 bei fang sheng jiang fa 》 of north wei period , 《 nong sang ji yao 》 , 《 wang zheng nong shu 》 of yuan dynasty , 《 sui yuan shi dan 》 of qing dynasty , in 《 shi huo zhi 》 of " er shi wu shi " and some historical book all concern these contents
    中国饮食文化,在古代就有比较系统的研究著作,涉及北方游牧民族的饮食著作有北魏的《齐民要术》 、 《崔氏食经》 、 《北方生酱法》 ,元代的《农桑辑要》 、 《王祯农书》 、 《农桑衣食撮要》 、 《饮膳正要》 ,清代的《随园食单》等。


  • 齐民的法语:populace bas peuple plèbe
  • 齐民的韩语:【문어】 (1)[명사] 평민(平民). (2)[동사] 백성[평민]과 하나가 되다.
  • 齐民的俄语:pinyin:qímín (простой) народ
  • 齐民什么意思:  1.  犹平民。    ▶ 《庄子‧渔父》: “上以忠于世主, 下以化于齐民。”    ▶ 《汉书‧食货志下》: “世家子弟富人或斗鸡走狗马, 弋猎博戏, 辞齐民。”    ▶ 颜师古 注引 如淳 曰: “齐, 等也。 无有贵贱, 谓之齐民, 若今言平民矣。”    ▶ 清 ...
齐民的英文翻译,齐民英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译齐民,齐民的英文意思,齊民的英文齐民 meaning in English齊民的英文齐民怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。