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音标:[ huángméixì ]  发音:  


  • huangmei opera


  • For its expert packaging of a traditional story and a modern fantasy , ingeniously integrating " yellow plum " opera conventions
  • The scenery travel service in side . this local guide ( miss wang - 13 . 485885727 ) discharges her office as guide . she sings well by huangmei opera
    山水旅行社就在旁边,这次的地导(王小姐- 13485885727 )非常称职,还唱得一口好听的黄梅戏
  • According to the division of the cultural area of huangmei opera based on huangmei opera specialized troupes this paper analyses the evolution of huangmei opera cultural area at three time points , 1952 , 1984 and 2005 , whose core is invariable because the fringe area of it " expanded " firstly and then " reduced "
    摘要以黄梅戏专业剧团作为划分黄梅戏文化区的依据,分析了1952年、 1984年和2005年三个时点黄梅戏文化区的演变情况:黄梅戏文化区核心区恒定不变,边缘区先“扩展”后“萎缩” 。
  • The performances on the list of weekly activities of each province in may include the water - sprinkling festival , a dance presented by yunnan provincial song and dance ensemble , a song drama boundless prairie and a concert of famous chinese and foreign songs presented by liaoning provincial opera and ballet theatre , mother on the bailu prairie , a dance drama offered by liaoning song and dance ensemble , an evening party given by beijing , the huangmei opera of anhui province , the performance of the little egret song and dance ensemble of fujian province , and several excellent dramas of yunnan created in recent years
    5月份的省周活动将有以下节目在春城一展风彩,它们是云南省歌舞团的舞剧《泼水节》 ,辽宁省歌舞剧院的歌剧《苍原》和一台《中外名曲演唱会》 ,辽宁歌舞团的舞剧《白鹿额娘》 ,北京市的《综合晚会》 ,安徽的黄梅戏,福建小白鹭歌舞团的演出;还有云南省近年创作的几台优秀剧目。


  • 黄梅戏的泰文
  • 黄梅戏的法语:Huangmei diao
  • 黄梅戏的日语:安徽省の伝統劇の一つ.同省中部一帯に流行.▼もと湖北省黄梅県から伝わったのでこう呼ばれる.“黄梅调 Huángméidiào ”ともいう.
  • 黄梅戏的韩语:[명사]〈연극〉 안휘(安徽) 지방에서 유행한 전통극. [주된 곡조가 호북(湖北) 황매(黃梅)에서 들어왔다 하여 이렇게 부름] =[黄梅调] [汉hàn腔] [怀huái腔] [青qīng淮调]
  • 黄梅戏的俄语:pinyin:huángméixì театр Хуанмэйская музыкальная драма (распространена в южной части пров. Аньхуй, куда пришла из уезда Хуанмэй пров. Хубэй)
  • 黄梅戏的印尼文:opera huang mei;
  • 黄梅戏什么意思:huángméixì 安徽地方戏曲剧种之一,流行于该省中部,因主要曲调由湖北黄梅传入而得名。也叫黄梅调。


黄梅戏的英文翻译,黄梅戏英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译黄梅戏,黄梅戏的英文意思,黃梅戲的英文黄梅戏 meaning in English黃梅戲的英文黄梅戏怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。