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  • macleish
  • mcleish


  • However , when pressed about the issue , mcleish said : " i am not going to be drawn on my future at all .
    俱乐部主席穆雷也对麦克利什下了“最后通牒” :务必要在12月初扭转球队的颓势。
  • " the introduction of thomas brightened things up and he looked really lively , " mcleish said . " it was great to have him back
    “托马斯的回归让我们队的前景突然变得光明起来” ,主教练麦克利什表示, “他在比赛中非常活跃,他的归队对我们帮助太大了。
  • Asked about reaching the champions league knockout stage , mcleish said : " it ' s tempered by the league form but it is a marvellous achievement so it ' s nice to be able to do it
    谈到联赛糟糕的成绩,麦克利什表示: “目前我们开创了历史上最坏的一个赛季,但作为教练除了上述不好的成绩以外,我也有值得一提的成就。 ”
  • The fa would appear to be relying upon the willingness of all agents to be transparent in every deal and i am sceptical this can be achieved . " kia joorabchian ' s proposed takeover of west ham has failed to materialise
  • Rangers manager alex mcleish is to stay on at the ibrox club . there had been a question mark over the future of the former scotland international after a poor start to the bank of scotland premier league season . rangers manager alex mcleish is to stay on at the ibrox club
  • Inter had midfielder cristiano zanetti sent off for a second booking in the 87th minute after he kicked the ball away following a foul and almost struck austrian referee konrad plauntz during a tense second half . rangers manager alex mcleish savoured a result that helped lift the gloom over a dismal domestic season but bodyswerved questions on his future after a poor run in the scottish premier league has left his team trailing leaders celtic by 17 points
    据路透社12月6日报道,在赛后举行的新闻发布会上,格拉斯哥流浪者队主教练麦克利什对于球队最终晋级16强表示由衷的高兴,称这是“一个了不起的成就” ,但就有关他在流浪者队前途的问题,麦克利什仍然拒绝回答任何问题。


  • 麦克利什什么意思:[MacLeish, Archibald] (1892.5.7,美国 伊利诺伊州 格伦科~1982.4.20,马萨诸塞州 波士顿) 美国诗人、剧作家、教师和政府官员。当过律师,1923年到法国完善诗歌技巧。早期作品包括《诗艺》(1926)和《你,安德鲁·马维尔》(1930)。后来在”社会“诗《征服者》(1932,获普利策奖)和《演说》(1936)中表达了他对民主理想的担忧。其他作品包括广播诗剧《空...
麦克利什的英文翻译,麦克利什英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译麦克利什,麦克利什的英文意思,麥克利什的英文麦克利什 meaning in English麥克利什的英文麦克利什怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。