Research status for biology of sturgeons at abroad 国外鲟鱼类渔业生物学研究现状
Why the sturgeons jump has been the topic of a long - standing debate 为什么鲟鱼要跳跃历来存在争论。
Sturgeons and gars are ganoid 鲟鱼和长嘴鱼都是硬鳞鱼。
Piranha giri and beiuga boy “虎鱼女孩”和“鲟鱼男孩”
The study of interactional properties of melting cartilage and carrageenan system 鲟鱼软骨骨胶与卡拉胶凝胶特性的研究
Then its your excellencys order to take the big sturgeons ? asked the manager “那么,吩咐人去买大鲟鱼罗? ”管事人问道。
Ok , so halibut 行,那就鲟鱼吧
The caspian holds a great amount of sturgeon , which yield eggs that are processed into caviar 里海生产大量的鲟鱼,这些鲟鱼可以加工成鱼子酱。
Product of designations of origin or geographical indication - fuyuan roe of amur sturgeon , kaluga sturgeon , and chum salmon 原产地域产品抚远鲟鱼子鳇鱼子大麻
China sturgeon fish are produce in liaoxi china . they were formfd in remote antiouity of 150 million years ago 鲟鱼化石产于中国辽西,形成于晚侏罗纪- - -早白垩纪,距近已有一亿五千万年。