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  • 1.(北朝碑刻的统称) tablet inscriptions of the northern dynasties (386-581)
    2.(书法的一种典范) model calligraphy represented by the aforesaid inscriptions


  • One can tell from a piece of calligraphy whether the writer has or has not seen a great number of wei rubbings
  • In the beginning , he emulated the classical style of wang xizhi ( 321 - 379 ) and zhao mengfu ( 1254 - 1322 )
  • Upon reaching middle - age , he devoted himself to the study of the cursive script and created the " standardized cursive script " , which made substantial impact during his time . the exhibits are drawn from the collections of mr . yu s descendants , as well as from public and private collections all over the world
  • In the beginning , he emulated the classical style of wang xizhi ( 321 - 379 ) and zhao mengfu ( 1254 - 1322 ) . he subsequently discovered the charm of northern wei ( 368 - 534 ) inscriptions cut into stone . upon reaching middle - age , he devoted himself to the study of the cursive script and created the " standardized cursive script " , which made substantial impact during his time
  • Some of huang yao s work has an ancient feel to it and sometimes they appear clumsy , he attributes this to his early practice of ancient writing such as bone , bronze , han and wei scripts and the influence by children s writing . he claims that there is really no secret to his ability to write chuyun shu in varying sizes , scripts and contents . it was because people were curious and intrigued by this method of writing


  • 魏碑的泰文
  • 魏碑的日语:北魏の石碑の文字.▼字の形が整然としており,筆法が力強い.後世の書道の手本の一つとされた.
  • 魏碑的韩语:[명사]〈역사〉 북조(北朝) 특히 북위(北魏) 시대 비석(碑石)의 총칭. [자체(字體)가 엄정하고, 필력(筆力)이 강건하여, 뒷날 해서(楷書)의 본이 되었음]
  • 魏碑什么意思:wèibēi 北朝碑刻的统称,字体结构严整,笔力强劲,后世作为书法的一种典范。


魏碑的英文翻译,魏碑英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译魏碑,魏碑的英文意思,魏碑的英文魏碑 meaning in English魏碑的英文魏碑怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。