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  • upscale


  • Upmarket appealing to or designed for high - income consumers ; upscale
  • Firefighters in reno have declared victory over a three - hundred - acre blaze that narrowly missed some upscale homes along the eastern sierra nevada on saturday
  • The upscale woman scans the news stand , considers the possibilities and chooses usa today over the new york times , wall street journal and the chicago tribune
    高消费阶层的妇女扫一眼报架,考虑了各种可能性,于是选择了《今日美国》而不是《纽约时报》 、 《华尔街日报》 ,也不是《芝加哥论坛》 。
  • China daily s overseas readers include those who work in large industrial enterprises , trading firms , financial or securities companies , banks , government departments , and international business and trade organizations . its domestic readers are well - educated , high - income earners who are mostly influential decision - makers in business or government . they work in solely foreign - owned companies , joint ventures , large state - owned enterprises and private companies , international business and trade organizations , foreign embassies and consulates , government departments and research institutions
高消费阶层的英文翻译,高消费阶层英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译高消费阶层,高消费阶层的英文意思,高消費階層的英文高消费阶层 meaning in English高消費階層的英文高消费阶层怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。