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  • the fragrant pyre on which the body of buddha was consumed


  • Today , here is li xiangjun s former residence exhibition
  • Besides , there are four most famous moon cake productors ? guangzhou restaurant , taotao ju restaurant , lianxianglou restaurant and wuxiang bakery
    另外,这里还是“广式月饼“四大生产巨头? ?广州酒家、陶陶居、莲香楼和趣香饼家荟萃之地。
  • The explanation of this inconsistency is found in a note by odd tablet at the end of chapter 13 in one of the manuscripts , in which he says that he " ordered " xueqin to excise a passage of eight or nine pages describing qin - shi ' s suicide in the celestial fragrance pavilion - presumab 珍 because he found it too upsetting
  • You have lots of fun at shangxiajiu pedestrian street : shopping , sightseeing its unique architecture , enjoying famous guangzhou snack foods at liwan gourmet district and even having a closer look of local residents daily lives . there are many tea houses with hundred years of experience , such as guangzhou restaurant , lianxiang lao and taotao mansion providing tired pedestrians the place for quality tea to relax


  • 香楼什么意思:指寺庙中的楼阁。    ▶ 南朝 梁武帝 《游锺山大爱敬寺》诗: “长途弘翠微, 香楼间紫烟。”    ▶ 唐 独孤及 《题思禅寺上方》诗: “老僧指香楼, 云是不死庭。”
香楼的英文翻译,香楼英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译香楼,香楼的英文意思,香樓的英文香楼 meaning in English香樓的英文香楼怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。