Turnus's fortitude forsook him and he begged for mercy . 图努斯顿失锐气,要求饶命。
The puppet soldier cried for mercy . 伪军高呼饶命。
They all appeared very penitent, and begged hard for their lives . 他们一个个表示悔罪,苦苦地哀求饶命。
They would fight to the bitter end, and would not ask for quarter . 他们宁愿拼到底,也不愿请求敌人饶命。
Find out how you offended him . apoiogize . beg for mercy 找出你得罪他的原因,道歉,乞求饶命
Remember in miller ' s crossing where turturro begs for his iife 有人记得在《黑帮龙虎斗》中特图罗乞求饶命的场景么?
The disciple was frightened to death , and quickly fell on his knees to beg for forgiveness 那个信徒吓坏了!就跪下来,请?饶命。
“ spare my life , “ he wailed , “ and i will ask nothing from you . you shall pass by this place in peace “饶命, ”他哭喊道, “我什么都不要,你可以平安的通过这个地方。 ”
They wont let us get at them . they were so quick at laying down their arms , and on their knees . pardon 前天我们追击他们,还不等你靠近,他们就赶紧扔下枪,跪在地上,喊饶命!
Sometimes gangsters have nothing to do with you but when they see you , they beat you . you don t dare to do anything to them and don t dare to get angry , but beg them for your lives . laughter i ve saved your lives and taught you many things , but you get angry when i scold you only once 有时候一些流氓,跟你们没有什么关系,盯一盯也来打你们,你们也不敢做什么,又不敢生气,还在那里拜托他饶命大众笑,师父救你们的命,还教你们很多事情,骂一句就不行了!