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  • In another battle with the philistines at gob , elhanan son of jaare - oregim the bethlehemite killed goliath the gittite , who had a spear with a shaft like a weaver ' s rod
  • [ niv ] in another battle with the philistines at gob , elhanan son of jaare - oregim the bethlehemite killed goliath the gittite , who had a spear with a shaft like a weaver ' s rod
  • And again there was war with the philistines at gob , and elhanan , the son of jair the beth - lehemite , put to death goliath the gittite , the stem of whose spear was like a cloth - worker ' s rod
  • And there was war with the philistines , again at gob ; and elhanan the son of jaare - oregim , the bethlehemite , slew goliath the gittite , the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver ' s beam
  • [ bbe ] and again there was war with the philistines at gob , and elhanan , the son of jair the beth - lehemite , put to death goliath the gittite , the stem of whose spear was like a cloth - worker ' s rod
  • And there was again a battle in gob with the philistines , where elhanan the son of jaare - oregim , a bethlehemite , slew the brother of goliath the gittite , the staff of whose spear was like a weaver ' s beam
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