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音标:[ xióngzī ]  发音:  


  • majestic appearance; heroic posture


  • If he possessed the power of arrest any wandering eye when exhibiting the glories of his altitude on foot, his equestrian graces were still more likely to attract attention .
  • This is a classic unit from the original starcraft
  • We can go there and take a glimpse of the old city walls
  • Horse has been widely used fordecorative purpose , with it ' s strong and vigorous appearance and the spirit of galloping ahead
  • There are more than 30 peaks with an elevation of over 1000 metres . many interesting stones offer travellers food
  • In the south to ancient huizhou , is the grand high mountain huangshan ; and in the north to huangshan , is feida s glorious enterprise
  • In the south to ancient huizhou , is the grand high mountain huangshan ; and in the north to huangshan , is feida s glorious enterprise
  • In battle array he is resplendent , - on his head the gleaming helmet and floating plume , on his are the leather shield , in his had the redoubtable spear of bronze
    他穿上战服时雄姿勃勃? ?头戴插翎的盔甲,臂上套著皮护袖,手持的铜矛咄咄逼人。
  • In battle array he is resplendent , - on his head the gleaming helmet and floating plume , on his are the leather shield , in his had the redoubtable spear of bronze
    他穿上战服时雄姿勃勃? ?头戴插翎的盔甲,臂上套着皮护袖,手持的铜矛咄咄逼人。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3


  • 雄姿的泰文
  • 雄姿的日语:雄姿.雄々しい姿. 狮子 shīzi 的雄姿/ライオンの雄姿. 雄姿英发/雄々しい姿に才ひらめく顔.
  • 雄姿的韩语:[명사] 웅자. 웅장한[우람한] 모습. 喷气式战斗机编队飞行的雄姿; 제트 전투기 편대가 나는 웅장한 모습
  • 雄姿的俄语:pinyin:xióngzī военная (бравая, молодцеватая) выправка; молодцеватый вид; удаль
  • 雄姿什么意思:xióngzī 威武雄壮的姿态:~英发│晨曦中,山海关城楼的~隐约可见。
  • 雄姿とは意味雄姿 ゆうし gallant figure
雄姿的英文翻译,雄姿英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译雄姿,雄姿的英文意思,雄姿的英文雄姿 meaning in English雄姿的英文雄姿怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。