随同 be in company with; be accompanying 我将随同你一起去。 i'll go along with you. 小张随同代表团出国访问去了。 xiao zhang has gone to accompany a delegation on a visit abroad
Dependants . an academic visitor may take dependants 一名访问学者可有数名随同人员。
However , unlike student dependants , your spouse is not allowed to work 可是,与学生随同人员不同,访问学者的配偶不能获准工作。
Therefore , you will have to provide satisfactory evidence of funds to support yourself and dependants 因此,您将提供足够用于承担您本人和随同人员费用的资金证明。
He should be detained only so long as circumstances imperatively demand , and information should be sent at once to his commander as to such detention , as well as of any other action taken against him or against his party 此人仅得受拘禁至情况允许为止,且军事使者与随同人员被拘禁之讯息以及处置方式与状况,应立即通知其指挥官。