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  • turbidity removal


  • Study on property of turbidity removal of pdmdaac flocculant series
  • The result showed that mechanisms for the removal of turbidity from kaolin suspension by coagulation with ddmbac were charge neutralization and bridging . the coagulating property of ddmbac was comparable to as and pac
    实验结果表明:对高岭土悬浮液, ddmbac的混凝除浊机理为电性中和及吸附架桥,其混凝除浊性能不亚于硫酸铝和聚合氯化铝。
  • The results show that uf is efficient for the removal of bacteria and turbidity with the 99 % removal of bacteria achieved and residual turbidity within 0 . 02 ntu in the treated water ; the uf resulting toc and uv _ ( 254 ) removals of ha are 30 % and 40 % ; there is no obvious difference of ha removals between the uf membrane with a mwco of 10 kdaltons and the other one with a mwco of 1 kdaltons
    实验结果表明,超滤具有良好的灭菌和除浊功能,细菌去除率达99以上,过滤出水的浊度能控制在0 . 02ntu以内,直接超滤对腐植酸toc去除率为30左右, uv254的去除率达40 ,截留分子量为10万道尔顿和1万道尔顿的两种超滤膜对腐植酸的去除效果无明显差别。
  • And the quality control system was developed for ddmbac . the coagulating property of ddmbac was discussed and the interaction model between ddmbac and colloidal particles was developed . the influence of ddmbac on coagulation using aluminum sulfate ( as ) or polyaluminum chloride ( pac ) was also investigated based on analytical method and interaction model
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