Von arnim was brought through algiers on his way to captivity . 阿纳姆被送往俘虏营途经阿尔及尔。
He was sorry for the soldier who lay dying in algiers . 他为那位奄奄一息地倒在阿尔及尔的士兵而难过。
His fleets also took algiers, and inflicted a number of reverses upon the venetians . 他的舰队还攻下了阿尔及尔,使威尼斯人遭受了几次挫败。
Algiers is the capital and the largest city 阿尔及尔是首都及最大的城市。
The salon down - stairs was only an algerian divan , for the use of smokers 楼下的那间客厅是一种阿尔及尔式的吸烟室,是备抽烟者用的。
By the summer of 1956 france had about 400 , 000 soldiers in algiers 到1956年夏季,法国在阿尔及尔(译者注:阿尔及利亚首都)有大约40万士兵。
Women embrace after a blast damaged their home in thenia town , east of algiers , january 29 , 2008 1月29日,在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔以东50公里的特尼亚,在爆炸中失去房屋的居民抱头哭泣。
If there is one film that would be too painful to be seen by the westerners today , it would be the battle of algiers 如果有一个电影让西方人因为过于痛苦而不能看,那应该是阿尔及尔的战斗。
A vessel was setting sail for algiers , on board of which the bustle usually attending departure prevailed 一艘大船正在升帆待发,准备开赴阿尔及尔,船上洋溢着一片起程前常有的那种匆忙喧闹。
In the world war ii , algeria became a major base for the allied north africa campaign , and algiers was the capital of free france until the liberation of paris 二次大战中,阿尔及尔曾为北非盟军指挥部所在地,一度为法国临时首都。