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音标:[ àgē ]  发音:  


  • age
  • aigo
  • regional expr elder brother


  • Quaoar - the tenth member of the solar system
    夸欧尔-太阳系皇族的十阿哥? 1 03
  • Hoe hin white flower ointment donald cheung in concert
  • Most residents living near a landslide in san diego can return home
  • Carlos acosta will share with the audience his creative process at a post - performance talk on 6 november
  • Carlos acosta will share with the audience his creative process at a post - performance talk on 6 november
  • , mr acosta thinks , “ i ' m here thanks to my father , to chery [ his teacher ] and my legs
    “简直是胡扯”阿哥斯达认为, “我能有今天,要多谢我爸爸,我的老师切利和我的两条腿才对。 ”
  • Angry at his ignorance , his friend proclaimed that nureyev was a genius and the reason they were both there . “ what bullshit ! ”
  • There is a telling moment in carlos acosta ' s autobiography “ no way home ” ? more telling , perhaps , than the ballet star himself seems to know
  • But cost has got to be secondary compared to the lives of the uniformed men and women who put everything on the line everyday to protect law - abiding citizens
    但是,与穿制服的阿哥阿姐们的性命相较? ?他们的置一切于不顾日日保护守法的市民? ?这笔费用应属次要了。
  • Sure , heavy - duty vests are expensive . but cost has got to be secondary compared to the lives of the uniformed men and women who put everything on the line everyday to protect law - abiding citizens
    当然,加强型[防弹]背心价钱昂贵。但是,与穿制服的阿哥阿姐们的性命相较? ?他们的置一切于不顾日日保护守法的市民? ?这笔费用应属次要了。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 阿哥的法语:grand frère
  • 阿哥的日语:(1)〈方〉兄さん.▼親族としての兄,または親しい年長者に対する呼称. (2)〈近〉お兄ちゃん.▼父母から息子に対する呼称. (3)(清代で)未成年の皇子に対する呼称.▼この場合はàgeと発音する.
  • 阿哥的韩语:[명사] (1)【방언】 형. 형님. 大阿哥; ⓐ 큰 형님 ⓑ 형님 ⓒ 친근한 연장자를 부르는 칭호 →[阿弟(1)] (2)【남방어】 동년배의 친한 이를 부르는 칭호. (3)만주족이 동년배 사이에 부르는 칭호. (4)만주족의 부모가 아들을 부르는 칭호. (5)청조 때 황제의 아들. [황제의 아들이 성년이 되기 전까지의 칭호. 성년이 된 후에 ...
  • 阿哥的俄语:pinyin:àgē старший брат, братец 1) ист. царевич (несовершеннолетний, до присвоения ему титула принца, дин. Цин) 2) диал. мальчик, паренёк
  • 阿哥什么意思:āgē (1) [elder brother]∶对兄长的称呼 (2) [brother]∶对年轻男子的亲热称呼――尤其是某些少数民族地区年轻未婚女子对自己异性朋友的称呼 (3) [son]∶满族父母对儿子的称呼 (4) [young prince]∶清代皇室称没有成年的皇子
阿哥的英文翻译,阿哥英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译阿哥,阿哥的英文意思,阿哥的英文阿哥 meaning in English阿哥的英文阿哥怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。