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  • any layer interstitial via hole


  • Her eminence ayesheh , the prophet ' s wife
  • I ' m aleadin , head of the activity squad
  • Allison has now enlisted her husband in events like shuffleboard and badminton
  • When the bill arrives , mark , chris , eric and tom will each throw in a $ 20 , even though it ' s only for $ 32 . 50
    买单的时候,阿麦,阿克、阿力和阿汤每人都甩出20块钱,虽然其实一共只吃了32块5 。
  • Eating out when the bill arrives , mark , chris , eric and tom will each throw in a $ 20 , even though it ' s only for $ 32 . 50
    在外面吃饭:埋单的时候,阿麦,阿克、阿力和阿汤每人都甩出20块钱,虽然其实一共只吃了32块5 。
  • Protege is a suspense - filled exploration of the complex relationships and loyalties within the multilayered , international crime syndicates of today
  • Special agent nick daniel wu is deep undercover in the heart of asia s lucrative crime trade as he plays protege to one of the key players in the game . " banker andy lau "
  • The advances in research on the three dipeptide sweeteners : aspartame , alitame and neotame , prepared from amino acids , were introduced and their applications and market were also described
  • In the eight years he has been infiltrating the underworld industry . nick has amassed enough evidence to indict banker , but has been ordered to remain undercover and expose the identity of the man behind banker in order to bring down the entire organization
  • 1964 . 1967 ) . modern theory of the property rights and enterprise think the ownership of enterprise is arranged among capital , main idea as follows : one is the ownership of classical enterprise ( armen alchian and harold demsetz , 1972 ; harold demsetz , 1988 ; oliver hart , 1986 , 1990 , 1995 ) ; the other is the ownership of shareholding corporation ( m . jensen and w . mecklin , 1976 ; eugene fama , 1980 ; berler , 1995 )
    现代产权理论利现代企业理论关于企业所有权的安排主要集中在:一是古典企业的所有权的安排(阿力饮利德姆塞茨, 1972 :德姆塞茨, 1988 ;哈特, 1986 , 1990 , 1995 ) ;二是股份制公司所有权安排(迈克尔?詹森和麦克林, 1976 ;法马, 1980 ,布莱尔, 1995 ) 。
阿力的英文翻译,阿力英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译阿力,阿力的英文意思,阿力的英文阿力 meaning in English阿力的英文阿力怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。