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音标:[ fánglíng ]  发音:  


  • ice flood control
  • ice jam prevention
  • ice prevention


  • The models could be used as an important basis for ice jam prevention
  • Because of the location and river characteristics , in winter , the ice flood is very serious and often cause ice flood disaster in inner mongolia reach of the yellow river , so it is one of the most important reaches of preventing ice flood
  • During the melting ice flood season , any reservoir upstream a river or lake responsible for the control of melting ice flood must obtain the consent of the relevant flood control headquarters and be subject to its supervision when discharging its flow down stream
  • Because the complexity of ice evolvement and it was late to start studying river ice in our country , now the freeze - up forecasting precision ca n ' t satisfy the need of preventing ice flood and the freeze - up formula of every reaches is different , being not all - purpose
  • The overall plan for xiaolangdi project management zone is carried out to ensure the safe operation of hydraulic constructions in the zone , to make full use the advantages of location and resources of the area , and to realize the general objective of “ mainly aim at flood prevention including ice flood prevention and sedimentation reduction , and give consideration to water supply , irrigation , power generation , storage of clear water and discharge of sediment flow , alleviating disaster and bringing about benefit , and comprehensive utilization " , for the project development
    为确保小浪底水利枢纽工程管理区内水工建筑物的安全运行,充分发掘管理区的区位优势和资源优势,实现“防洪(包括防凌) 、减淤为主,兼顾供水、灌溉、发电、蓄清排浑、除害兴利、综合利用”的工程开发总目标,对工程管理区进行了总体规划。
  • The main conclusions of the research are shown as follows : ( 1 ) with meeting the comprehensive using demands including flood control , ice prevention and water supply of the main stream , aimed at the maximum generation electricity in a period of the reservoir regulation , built up the optimal regulation model of the longyangxia - liujiaxia system and sanmenxia - xiaolangdi system and adopted poa method to solve it , obtained long series compensation regulation results
    论文取得的主要成果如下: ( 1 )在满足全河干流防洪、防凌、供水等综合利用要求的前提下,以水库调度期发电量最大为目标,采用大系统分解协调方法,建立了龙刘和三小的优化模型,采用逐步优化算法( poa )求解了该模型。


  • 防凌的日语:流氷で川がふさがるのを防止する.
  • 防凌的韩语:[동사] 해동(解凍) 시에, 유빙(流氷)이 수로(水路)를 막는 것을 방지하다.
  • 防凌的俄语:pinyin:fánglíng меры по предотвращению ледяных заторов
  • 防凌什么意思:fánglíng 防止解冻的时候冰块阻塞水道。
防凌的英文翻译,防凌英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译防凌,防凌的英文意思,防凌的英文防凌 meaning in English防凌的英文防凌怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。