Keisei bus service 047 - 432 - 1891 hanshin bus service 06 - 6416 - 1351 京成巴士阪神巴士
Hanshin electric railway co . , ltd 阪神电气铁道
Igawa went 14 - 9 with a 2 . 97 era for the hanshin tigers last season 井川庆去年在阪神老虎队的战绩为14胜9败,防御率2 . 97 。
The yankees would only pay hanshin the $ 25 million if they sign igawa to a contract 如果洋基和井川庆签下合约,将付给阪神队2500万美金。
The brittle fracture of steel columns and the damage to column bases were found in kobe earthquake 在阪神地震中还发生了钢柱的脆断和柱脚的破坏。
They ' ll also travel to okinawa , where they will meet with executives of the hanshin tigers , lefty kei igawa ' s former team 他们将会去冲绳旅游,他们也将会访问阪神老虎队,这是左投手井川庆的前东家。
Hyper rescue teams were formed in 1996 after the great hanshin awaji earthquake and are under the management of the tokyo fire department 1996年的阪神淡路地震后组建超级救助队,隶属于东京消防署。
The damage to steel frame buildings in the northridge earthquake and kobe earthquake has arisen out of the interest of scientists 摘要在美国的北岭地震和日本的阪神地震中,钢框架结构发生的震害引起了各国学者注意。
The contingent also plans to visit with the leadership of the hanshin tigers , personally thanking the club for its assistance in the development of kei igawa 这个访问团也计画访问阪神老虎队的领导人,亲自感谢球队帮助培养井川庆。