Except at the pole and the equator, a plumb line does not point toward the earth's center . 除在地球的两极和赤道之外,铅锤线并不指向地球中心。
Mr calamy , the iead , if you please 卡拉米先生,可以的话,用铅锤测一下水深
Textile machinery and accessories - lingoes for jacquard weaving 纺织机械与附件提花织造用铅锤
Shaft sinking ; shaft plumbs 凿井.竖井测量铅锤
Lingoes for jacquard weaving 提花织造用铅锤
Field procedure for precision testing of surveying instruments ; plumbing instruments 大地测量仪精度检验的野外作业法.铅锤水准仪
Textile machinery and accessories . machines for fabric manufacture . lingoes for jacquard weaving 纺织机械和附件.织物织造机.提花织造用铅锤
This was already half an hour past the time valentine had fixed . it was a terrible moment for the young man 对那个年轻人来说时间是一个可怕的消息,分分秒秒的滴嗒声,都象是铅锤似的敲击在他的心上。
And i bought it hook , line and sinker . but then i also caught the fish hook , line and sinker . a beautiful 10 pound , steelhead rainbow trout 线铅锤,然后我用这些工具,钓到一条美丽的十磅重的钢头虹鳟。
So the next fall he said to his incoming physics class , " you are a rare group of students . every year fifty percent of the students fail , but i ve checked your backgrounds and i am impressed 他买了?线铅锤,第二年秋季他说:我告诉我的新学生,他们是不平凡的,每年都有