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音标:[ jīnróng ]  发音:  


  • finance; banking
    ◇金融比率 financial ratios; 金融呆滞 financial stringency; 金融改革 financial reform; 金融改组 financial reorganization; 金融杠杆 monetary lever [leverage]; 金融公司 finance company; finance corporation; 金融公司存款市场 market in finance house deposits; 金融寡头 financial oligarch; financial magnate; 金融汇率 financial rate; 金融货币危机 financial and monetary crisis; 金融机构 financial institution; banking institution; 金融机关 financial institution; 金融机关投资家 institutional investor; 金融结构 financial structure; 金融季节性 financial seasonableness; 金融集团 financial clique; 金融家 city man; financier; 金融交易 financial transactions; 金融界 financial community; financial circle; financial interests; financial world; moneyed interest; 金融紧缩 tight money policy; deflationary policy; 金融居间人 financial intermediaries; 金融巨头 shark of high finance; financial tycoon; 金融媒介 financial intermediation; 金融媒介[中介]物 financial intermediary; 金融人士 financial figures; 金融商行 financial house; 金融市场 financial market; monetary markets; money market; market for funds; 金融市场松动 easing of money rates; 金融市场银根紧 stringency of the money market; 金融数量管理 financial quantitative regulation; 金融数量管制 financial quantitative control; 金融体制 monetary system; 金融投机 monetary speculation; 金融危机 financial crisis; 金融学会 finance [monetary] society; 金融正常化 financial normalization; 金融政策 financial policy; 金融制裁 financial sanction; 金融中心 banking centre; financial centre; 金融资本 financial capital; finance capital


  • I tell you a financial slump is coming .
  • He was not yet looked upon as a money prince .
  • We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis .
  • This stifles the development of the financial sector .
  • Some of the financial reporters are pretty good at it .
  • Many rich families were brought low by the financial crisis .
  • Slum area communities are helped by donations and financial assistance .
  • A typical financial crisis can be divided into several stages .
  • The customer can instruct the computer to perform financial services .
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5


  • 金融的泰文
  • 金融的法语:名 finances~寡头magnats du monde financier;oligarchie financière.
  • 金融的日语:金融. 金融界/金融界.
  • 金融的韩语:[명사] 금융. 金融机关; 금융 기관 金融寡头; 금융 과두 =财政寡头 金融市场; 금융 시장 金融资本; 금융 자본 =财政资本 金融商品; 금융 상품 金融服务社; 금융 복무사 [민간 금융 기관의 하나] 金融工具; 각종 유가 증권 金融卡; 현금 카드
  • 金融的俄语:[jīnróng] денежное обращение; финансы; финансовый; денежный
  • 金融的阿拉伯语:تصنيف:تمويل; تَمْوِيل; مَال; مَالِيَّة; مَوَّل;
  • 金融的印尼文:keuangan; kewangan; pembiayaan; perbankan;
  • 金融什么意思:jīnróng 指货币的发行、流通和回笼,贷款的发放和收回,存款的存入和提取,汇兑的往来等经济活动。
  • 金融とは意味金融 きんゆう monetary circulation credit situation


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