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  • metal frame
  • "金属"英文翻译    metals genus
  • "框"英文翻译    frame; case
  • "金属框架" 英文翻译 :    metal framework
  • "金属框架窗" 英文翻译 :    metal framed window
  • "金属框笼" 英文翻译 :    metal crib
  • "带金属框玻璃屏" 英文翻译 :    gla screen with metal frame; glass screen with metal frame
  • "建筑用金属框架" 英文翻译 :    framework of metal for building
  • "金属框铅锡合金" 英文翻译 :    coffin metal
  • "飞机师眼镜,金属框茶色镜片眼镜。" 英文翻译 :    aviator glasses
  • "从属框架" 英文翻译 :    subordinate frame
  • "金属" 英文翻译 :    metal 粉末金属 powdered metal; 黑色金属 ferrous metal; 稀有金属 rare metals; 有色金属 nonferrous metal; 金属斑 metalmark; 金属板坯 metal slabs; 金属棒 metal bar; billet; 金属包层 clad; 金属薄板 [冶金学] sheet metal; latten; 金属薄膜 metallic film; 金属薄片 slug; 金属本位 metallic standard; 金属扁坯 metal slab; 金属表面保护 metal surface protection; 金属表面清理 metallic surface finishing; 金属表面磨损 honing; 金属别针 preen; 金属玻璃 metal glass; 金属材料 metal material; metallic material; 金属车削 metal turning; 金属炊具 metal cooking appliance; 金属磁性薄膜 magnetic metal membrane; 金属导电体 metallic conductor; 金属导电性[电导率] metallic conductivity; 金属导线 plain conductor; 金属垫板(热压用) metal caul; 金属电极[电焊条] metal electrode; 金属电路 metallic circuit; 金属电子管 all-metal tube; metal valve; 金属钉 peg; 金属锭 ingot; [古词] lingot; 金属镀层 coat of metal; metal coating; 金属废料 scrap metal; 金属分币 coin; small denomination coin; 金属分析 metal analysis; 金属粉末化 metal pulverization; 金属杆天线 flagpole antenna; 金属工艺学 technology of metals; 金属箍 aglet; 金属管 metal tube; 金属光泽 metallic luster; metal luster; 金属焊条 metal electrode; 金属互化物 interphase; intermetallic compound; 金属货币 coin money; metallic currency; 金属级品位 metal-grade; 金属加工 metal processing; working of metals; metalworking; 金属加工厂 fabricator; metal works; 金属加工工业 metal-processing industry; metalworking industry; 金属加工机械 metalworking machinery; 金属价 metallic valence; 金属键 metallic bond; 金属结构 metal construction; metal structure; 金属结构厂 metal structures plant; 金属矿床 metallic mineral deposit; 金属模 metal mould; metal pattern; metallic pattern; 金属磨损 galling; 金属末 metal particle; 金属喷镀 metallising; schoop-plating; schooping; metal spray; metallization; 金属喷涂 metal spraying; mellozing; metallic spraying; spray metal plating; 金属疲劳 fatigue of metal; metal fatigue; 金属器皿 metalware; 金属切削 metal removal; metal-cutting; 金属切削车床 metal turning lathe; 金属切削加工 machining of metals; 金属球 pombe; metallic ball; metallic sphere; 金属燃料 metal fuel; 金属容器 canister; 金属熔渣 slag; 金属软管 flexible metal tubing; flexible metallic conduct; metallic hose; flexible metal tube; 金属探伤 crack detection; metal defect detection; 金属探伤器 stethoscope; flaw detector; 金属套管 metal sleeve; metallic sheath; 金属添加剂 metallic addition; 金属涂层 metal coating; 金属涂料 metallic paint; 金属网 expanded metal; rigging; metal net; 金属纤维 metal fibre; metallic fibre; 金属性 metallicity; 金属制品 metal work; metalware; hardware
  • "金属,金属制品" 英文翻译 :    metal
  • "金属对金属" 英文翻译 :    test method of cleavage strength of adhesive
  • "金属丝,金属片" 英文翻译 :    ti el
  • "金属线,金属丝" 英文翻译 :    wire
  • "金属与金属" 英文翻译 :    test method for resistance of adhesive bonds to chemical reagents metal to metall
  • "pu金属" 英文翻译 :    pu semwtauic pu/met
  • "pvc金属" 英文翻译 :    pvc semwtauic
  • "白金属" 英文翻译 :    platinoid; white metal
  • "板金属" 英文翻译 :    plate metal
  • "半金属" 英文翻译 :    half metal; half-metal; metalloid; semimetallic; semimetals
  • "卑金属" 英文翻译 :    base metal
  • "铂金属" 英文翻译 :    platinum
  • "衬金属" 英文翻译 :    lining metal
  • "出金属" 英文翻译 :    tapping


  • The metal frame tends to twist under pressure
  • The metal frame tends to twist under pressure
  • Metal frame hinges
  • Metal joinery . windows , curtain walling , metal frame panels . protection against corrosion and conservation of surface conditions
  • Metal joinery - windows , curtain walling , metal frame panels - protection against corrosion and conservation of surface conditions
  • A pair of metal - frame glasses , a black wallet , a coin bag , and some personal belongings was found in his possession
  • Standing about 1 . 58 metres tall and weighing about 45 kilograms , she has black shoulder - length hair , a round face , white complexion , is of thin build and wears a pair of glasses
  • 2 during synchronised competitions the trampolines must be parallel and not staggered . the distance between them , measured from the outer edges of the frames , must be 2 metres
  • Taizhou chuangfeng glasses co . , ltd . is a pair of glasses for 15 years producing and marketing professional factories , the production of major products for the production metal frames , plastic - based , and its products are optical glasses shelves , reading glasses , sunglasses , sports protection glasses , labor protection glasses and children ' s glasses
金属框的英文翻译,金属框英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译金属框,金属框的英文意思,金屬框的英文金属框 meaning in English金屬框的英文金属框怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。